By connecting your AI applications and agents to Valyu, you can seamlessly integrate trusted, high-quality public and proprietary sources of content directly into your model’s context windows. With great pay-per-use pricing, so you only pay for what you use.

Whether you just need simple web search for a chat app, or deep research over proprietary content, we’ve got you covered.

Get $10 free credits for the Valyu API when you sign up at Valyu!

Must be hard to integrate right?

No silly, we’ve got you covered. We do all the heavy lifting for you:

  • Searching over millions of documents from Valyu’s indices
  • Searching the entire web
  • Retrieving structured financial data
  • Reranking results for you by relevance
  • Providing transparent pricing so you only pay for what you use

Here’s what it looks like:
from valyu import Valyu

valyu = Valyu(api_key="your-api-key-here")

response = valyu.context(
    query="What are the benefits of renewable energy?",
    search_type="all",            # Search both proprietary and web sources
    max_num_results=5,            # Limit to top 5 results
    similarity_threshold=0.5,     # Only return results with >50% relevance
    query_rewrite=True,           # Enable query optimization
    max_price=10                  # Maximum price per thousand queries (CPM)

# Feed the results as you would with other web search APIs

Just grab an API key from Valyu and you’re good to go.

Get $10 free credits for the Valyu API when you sign up at Valyu!

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